3 Tips for Holiday Gift Guides
Nov 07, 2024
It's our busiest season and I just went in a couple of weeks ago to tweak our gift guides and wanted to share some things that we find useful:
Look at Last Year
If you have a business that was around last holiday run a "sales by product" for BFCM into mid December. Then open up your gift guide page(s) on your site and start reordering - lead with what sold best last year. I like doing this because you get a mix of price points "above the fold" and it helps people convert or continue to scroll.
Have Gift Guide Options at Various Price Points
You know what you're going to spend on your kid's science teacher vs. your BFF vs. your mom and so do your customers. Make it easy for them to see price points - "Gifts Under $25", under $75, and so on. I'm also a fan in these instances of stacking the most expensive items at the top of the page as that will be the thing that is different page to page.
Put Your Gift Guide(s) in Your Navigation Bar
It should have it's own feature, ideally with a drop down menu for your $ amounts, or even gifts by type (for the hostess, for your wife, etc). Make it easy to find and to navigate.
I hope that helps and that you have a wonderful holiday season!
From someone who has been in your shoes.
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