Q&A: How to Balance My New Biz with My Full Time Job

Mar 10, 2025
white woman with her hair pulled back wearing glasses is sitting at a desk in front of her laptop, looking off feeling pensive

This week's Q&A is "how do I balance my new business with my full time job?" from Beth

If you have a full time job we're going to need to fit your new venture in on nights and weekends. 

Sidenote - MANY brand founders I know worked a full time job for a few years before their business could financially support them.  I did this too for about 3-4 years doing makeup for weddings, events and shoots.

I also think the mindset switch of being grateful for that full time job and viewing it as something that is supporting your new business can keep it from feeling like a cage.  Let it serve you and, as a result, you're going to serve it to and do your very best.

Back to nights and weekends - since you have limited time to work on your business we might need to reevaluate activities that are happening in these slots and intentionally map it out.  You absolutely need contact with the outside world 😅 and we need to keep your relationships with friends and family alive BUT you might need to dial it down a bit to get your business into the scheduling mix.

At a certain point, you'll have to make the decision of which path you want to go on - keep working for someone else or take the leap and work for yourself - but having the knowledge that your business can support you financially is worth its weight in gold!


From someone who has been in your shoes.

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