The Meeting You Have to Do After BFCM

biz tips e-commerce Dec 03, 2024
black, white and hispanic women sit around in a circle talking, one is on a laptop with metrics

You made it!  Cyber Monday wrapped up - hopefully you have tons of orders and are busy bees BUT I highly recommend you do one thing before the dust totally settles - a Black Friday/Cyber Monday Postmortem which basically just means a recap.

I like to pull my team together within within a week max of when we're done packing all the orders - and I mean everybody on the team - and talk about how it went.  It's a great time for honesty and trust building as you may hear some information you don't love but it's information you need in order to do better next time.

I grab a Post-It Note Easel Pad and label one page - What Went Well - we write all the usual suspects down and then I generally let that space of quiet happen and eek out every last good thing we can think of.  Then we do the same with a new page of What Could Go Better.  This is where you have to take the information in, remain open instead of defensive, and be willing to take ideas from the group - it's AWESOME.  AND, some of our best ideas have come from this section of the meeting.  With that list of "what could go better" we even will see if we have suggestions for the thing that wasn't ideal - let's troubleshoot it while it's fresh.

Then that paper gets typed up and saved for a discussion next June when we start talking about BFCM again.

Trust me - it's worth the time to do it and, if you do it, please let me know how it goes!


From someone who has been in your shoes.

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